Monday, July 27, 2009

In Our Desperation We Cry Out


I am not sure how many of you have noticed Precious Stellan in my side bar OR read/have read McMamma's Blog but Sweet Stellan is not doing well AT ALL. Read McMamma's Blog "My Charming Kids" to get the whole scoop. Here is what I can tell you, Sweet Man's heart is failing as well as his kidney's, his body temps are low and he is vommiting in excess. He has what is known as SVT and because of his age he is unable to recieve any more real aggressive treatments, as he has had in the past. He is the brother to 3 older sibilings, and son to one of the best mom's I have ever "met". Please friends, flood the gates of Heaven with me on behalf of this little fella. The Father has a plan for him as we all know, but pray that his mom Jennifer and his Father "Prince Charming" would see this plan revealed right before them.

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