Wednesday, February 09, 2011

It's Real Wild Ride

Jan 19th marked the beginning of chaos for Breezy and I. It seems like the 19th was yesterday not almost a month ago.

The packers came on the 25th and 26th to pick up our Household Goods(HHG)and both of those days were a mess in themselves. The 25th was our big pick up of around 7000 lbs. They sent ONE packer and a truck to hold 4500 lbs. Needless to say at 2:00 p.m. they realized they needed 3 packers and another truck. The packers finally left our house at 10:00 p.m. On the 26th they were suppose to come pick up our unaccompanied items between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. and guess when they showed up...7:30 p.m. YUCK! On the 27th we spent all day cleaning the apartment and moving our luggage to the Heeter's and on the 28th we cleared our apartment with the housing office at 12:30 p.m. What a busy week.

On the 25th I attended PWOC in Germany for the last time and it made me very sad. I had to say goodbye to many, but the final goodbye's didn't happen until the 30th, our last Sunday in Chapel. On the 31st, 5 of my best girlfriends came over to the Heeter's for Coffee and Cake and we said our goodbye's. It truly broke my heart. *Chelsea, Latrise, Iris, Jeanette and Rita thank you for your friendship and love.*

We flew from Germany on the 1st at 1:15 p.m. and finally made it to our new home in CO around 9:30 p.m. (8 hours difference in the time). We were whopped. We stayed with our old neighbors from Germany for 2 nights and since then we've been in our new house and getting adjusted.

I've got alot to write about but since we still do not have any furniture I'm sitting on the floors and my tailbone has no more life left in it. I'll post again soon...with photos :-)

Blessings are abounding!


~MGF said...

Wow...what a busy time you have had! AND I know you'll be busy for the next coming weeks trying to get settled.

So glad to see your post this morning at school. I've been missing reading about you and your family's journies.

Maybe one day we'll meet.

T, C, and E said...

I miss you, friend!!!!!