Friday, November 18, 2011

Just What the Dr. Ordered!

I told you guys earlier this week that I had not had much free time to blog but I think I'm on the way to "blogger-rehab".

The biggest reason for my sudden withdrawl happened unintentionally. I mentioned in my last post that I was offered a postion at First Baptist Church of Colorado Springs in March of 2011. I started on April Fool's day and before I knew it, it was time for my 90 do evaluation. Time was flying. Ministry was happening in full force. Easter was here, school ended, summer came and went, school started, Fall Festival has come and gone and now I'm one worn out little lady. I absolutely love my job but as any one in ministry can tell you, there comes a time when a time of refreshment is much needed. I am thankful that my co-workers have recognized this and have given me the oppurtunity to have some time off. So in order for me to get some down time, I have flown to Alabama with my 2 Breezy Boys, from our home in Colorado to spend 16 days with our families. I'll spend 10 days with my parents and 6 days wtih Breezy's. He's planning to join us in Florida this weekend. YAY!!!!!

I'm breaking the ice now by telling you all that once again my dear Breezy is heading back overseas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He is scheduled to leave early in the New Year. Unfortunately, because we are avaiation we will not make the 9 month cut off. He will be away for 12 months. We are both in pre-deployment mode and are trying to prepare ourselves for what the next 13 months will hold for us. I hope that you will join me in our journey. I will be blogging just like I did the last go round.

I'm out of time. My sweet boys and I are heading to Krispey Kreme in our jammies for some donuts and chocolate milk! They both decided that 6 a.m. was a good wake up time today. Nap time won't come quick enough.

Here's some pictures of the boys. They've both grown so much since March.

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