Monday, March 07, 2011

A Month Later....

We've been in our new home for just over a month and we're still trying to get settled in. In a month we've done a few things but not much.....

We finally received our unaccompanied baggage last week, but seriously all we sent was our clothes and Brudder's bed...what were we thinking? We're hoping that our main shipment will arrive soon. I'm ready to sleep in my bed and not on an air mattress. I'm sick of sitting on the floor, or in baskets of laundry.

Big Boy has been sleeping on a "camp-out" but he hasn't complained one bit. We're going to be painting his "Toy Story" room this week so that it's all ready when our things get here! He's super excited about his new room. He suckered me into painting his room "To Inifity and Beyond Green" (he made that color up). On another note, we found out today that the cut-off for Kindergarten here on post is 1 October..Big Boy makes the cut off by about 4 days and will be going to FULL DAY Kindergarten next school year...Tear! We're so glad he won't have to go to Part Day Preschool again.

We've really had a time with Brudder staying sick since he was born. Since he was 3 mos old we've been told that he was lactose intolerant. We could never understand why he was spitting up,having diarrhea, staying so ill and keeping a diaper rash until we saw the pediatrician last week. Brudder has a MILK PROTEIN allergy instead. This is much worse than your typical lactose sensitivity. Since our visit we've eliminated ALL dairy from his diet, changed him to a hypoallergenic formula and you'd never know he was the same child...HE'S EVEN SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT NOW :-). Now we're working to adjust our ways of eating so that we can feed him the right way. This change will be alot of work but totally worth keeping him well.

Boy Jack, the newest addition to our family is growing and driving me crazy. Potty training is "going". I think in another week we'll finally have this pee'ing and pooping outside thing down pat. Jack is still very hyper and jumps on the boys and they both hate it. We're working on obedience and I see "school" in Jack's future.

We bought a "new to us" car. I told Wes I wasn't going to be stranded at home everyday when he went to work :-). Being stuck in Germany was one thing but there's WAY to much that I can get done here to be stuck. Plus I'm hoping to get a part time job very soon!

We finally bought a washer and dryer. I love being able to just walk down to the basement inside my house to get my laundry done anytime I want AND I don't have to share them with anyone. I could do my laundry naked and nobody would ever know :-).

My momma and daddy are coming to visit very soon and Clark and I are very ready to see them. Clark asked me if his BoBo was gonna bring him a swing set and toys in his suitcase...had to tell him nope. BoBo does plan on doing some fun things with his boys while he's here and maybe even taking them to the toy store..why? Because ever kid needs toys. That's what BoBo says!

I'm sorry for the lack of photos but I can't find my camera cord. I think I packed it in our HHG shipment. I'll post some as soon as I can! I must go for now, Brudder is waking up from his nap and will be ready for some lunch!


Tab said...

Getting a washer and dryer was one of the most exciting things that happened when we moved back to the states! Enjoy!

Latrise Flanigan said...

What's a new to us car? :)