* Pampers Newborn and Size 1 Diapers (highly recommended)
* Huggies Natural Fit for sizes 2-6 Diapers
* Huggies Baby Wipes (they are thicker than Pampers. I recommend using the Sensitive/No Scent to begin with until you know if the baby has Sensitive skin or not).
* Health Care Kit (clippers, aspirator, medicine dropper, etc.)
* Cool Mist Humidifier (We have one from Target that looks like a Frog….Clark LOVES it and we use it every single night regardless)
* Pack N Play (Recommend one that has the diaper changing station, mobile, newborn drop in/bassinet and converts for better use for a larger baby/toddler) Sheets for Pack N Play
* Boppy with Slip Covers
* Bottles 4oz and 8oz ( I highly recommend Dr. Browns Bottles or Playtex with Drop-ins)
* On The Go Formula Dispenser
* Waterproof Pads (Great for the crib and changing table. I have used this since day 1 with Clark. I still have one on his bed and one in his diaper bag to use in public. Washes great!
* Crib Sheets (regular and waterproof)
* Bottle Drying Rack
* Dishwasher Safe Washing Container (to wash bottle parts, pacifiers)
* Stationery Swing (One that swings front to back and side to side is good)
* Bouncy Seat ( I had 2, a baby papsan that was good for newborn to about 4 months, then I moves up to a little bigger seat that worked up to about 1 year.)
* Changing table Pad and Cover
* Bath Tub (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2908454)
* Bath Towels and Wash Cloths (don’t need too many of these, depending on how often you will do laundry)
* White or Colored Onesies of an assortment of sizes.
* High Chair (I have both, one that sits in a regular chair that can be used as a toddler chair later and a stationery one)
* Receiving Blankets (I preferred the very thin flannel ones with Clark for home, and the thermal/long john type material or light fleece ones for on the go)
* Car Seat (Newborn and one that can be rear facing and front facing that goes up to 45-50 pounds. I recommend the Eddie Bauer.)
* Stroller (I highly recommend getting your stroller and car seat combination and also a Umbrella stroller or Jogger. I have the JEEP Umbrella for Clark and a Jogger and they have both held up great.)
* Age appropriate Toys
* Mommy Diaper Bag/Daddy Diaper Bag (I highly recommend the Columbia line of Diaper bags, especially the back-pack or messenger bag especially for a family that likes to see the sites)
* Butt Paste
* Breast Pump (Manual or Electric) and accessories
* Freezer bags for Breast Milk
* Nursing Cover/Shawl
* Lanolin e Cream/Nipple Cream and Breast Pads
* Baby Sling
* Baby Monitor
* Little Basket to Store Things
* Little Hangers
* Diaper Genie and Refills
* Baby Shampoo and Lotion (I used the Aveeno with Clark as a newborn and also Huggies or Johnson and Johnson Lavendar and Chamomille to help with relaxation. BUT the German stuff is GREAT)
* Thermometer (for the forehead or hospital recommended)
* Bibs (velcro ones unless your baby's skin is sensitive)
* Spray and Wash (Stain Remover)
* Baby Laundry Detergent
* Socks (variety of sizes…I Love Old Navy Socks with the little skid proof bottoms even for a new baby BUT if your baby has a latex allergy these are a NO NO)
* Burp Cloths or Cloth Diapers will work great too!
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