1. We made it home from Maryland with NO problems whatsoever. I thought we had overslept so at 1230 a.m. I woke my mom up. Needless to say neither of us could get back to sleep. We were on the road to Dothan by 100 a.m. and home well before dark. The trip was well worth the time spentin the car with a toddler. Might I suggest the purchasing of a portable DVD player for those of you who have small kids. I'm very picky about what Clarke watches on t.v and about how much time he spends in front of the t.v. (usually only 1 hour in the morning), but this device made a world of difference. I don't think my kid cried one time. He was either watching
Dooorra or Beggie Twales or sleeping. WHOA...that made for a perfec trip there and back.
2. Clark had his first day of preschool today and went at it like a champ. Today was just
a test run for us to see if he would do ok with seperation anxiety and well he had NONE! I'm
pretty sure that I had more anxiety that he did. For those of you who know Clark you know he's pretty rough around the edges and can be a little overwhelming to other kids because of his size. I dropped him off and he jumped right in with the other kids. We got there around 8:45 and I picked him back up around 11:15. By the time we were going out the gates at Ft. Rucker he was already in the back seat sleeping. Hopefully next Tuesday when we go back to start our 2 day routine he will be just as good. Friday we start Gymnastics so that ought to be interesting as well!
3. I've mentioned before my love for the Protestant Women of the Chapel. I was very involved during my time in Germany and since being back in Dothan, I've longed deeply for something to fill that void. I've missed meetingwith my lady friends each week for fellowship and to dig into the scriptures as we studied. Well today I attended my very first meeting of the PWOC Ft. Rucker Chapter and boy was it different. The PWOC in Germany ran about 25-30 each week
there were around 65 ladies here. I felt overwhelmed as I entered the room. They are offering 8 studies on Tuesday mornings and 3 studies on Tuesday evening. WHOA....there are too many to choose from. I'm hoping that by next Tuesday that the Lord has given me some kind of direction as to where he would like me to be. I'll be sure to update you when I know :-)
4. Lastly, I am reading a pretty darn good book right now that I MUST highly recommend to you all. I would like for you all to run out to Lifeway or get on www.cbd.com and pick it up. It is called "A Wife After God's Own Heart: 12 Things That Really Matter in Your Marriage" by Elizabeth George. Wes and I are reading this book together, but he's got the "A Husband After God's Own Heart" by Jim George. This isn't a book just for newlyweds. This is a book for ALL women and men to read (even non-believers). Those that have been married 50 years or 6 months,those who's marriage is on the brink of disaster or those women who believe that their marriage just can't get any better than what it already is. I'm only into Chapter 4, but I can't wait to see what else God reveals to me through this book and through the scriptures. If any of you pick itup and decide to give it a try, be sure to let me know what you think.
VERY lastly, I am working on another blog for later this week :
My Life As A Military Wife {Communication}
Come back to see what is in store!
Sweet Dreams from my bed in Alabamy!
loved the update. like always. Glad to hear that your little boy played well with others. lol. Love you girl!
I know that I was visiting Lifeway just the other day and the A Wife after God's Own Heart is $5 until 8/30/2008.
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