Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things...

1. Tattoo's
(they must have meaning though)

This is Wesley's new Tattoo...he got this the week before he left. Happy Father's Day Breezy
This is my newest addition. YES...I do already have a tattoo. I have 3 stars on my shoulder blade b/c "I Wanna Shine Like the Stars in The Heavens". This Peace Dove (on my right foot) is a reminder to me that there is Peace in the Storm. Lord Knows I need that reminder every day!
2. Dying My Hair
(but only when my roots are so bad I can't stand it)
I went from a head full of blonde and more blonde highlights to Dark Brown and Black

3. Clark Dancing in His Undies and Pretend Tap Shoes

4. Packing to go to Germany after being in the USA for 1 year

5. Blogging while listening to some Rob Thomas on my Hot Pink Ipod

oh but there is so much more, but there's no time for now.
I'll be back in a few with those promised photos!

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