Clark and I really enjoyed having Daddy here for 2o days but we were both very sad this morning when we had to watch him cross thru security to go back to "Work" (as we told Clark). Friends, believe it or not I held myself together (for Clark's sake) until Clark went running after Breezy in the security line. I lost all of my composure. I got Clark back into my arms, we blew daddy some kisses and out the door we went...quickly. Clark and I both cried all the way to Wal-Mart. As we were strolling through the parking lot we heard a plane flying over and Clark said "There goes my Daddy, him's going back to Work." Then..everything was alright.
Clark and I have both been pretty good today, besides me feeling like 1/2 my heart is missing. Clark dosen't really understand, which I guess is a good thing. He knows that Daddy had to go bye bye and has made it clear that he knows that Daddy will be back, he just dosen't know when.
I decided yesterday that I'm going to look at today as the beginning of the end of this deployment. In only a few short weeks Clark and I will be packing our things here in Alabama and getting on a big plane ourselves and flying over the pond to Germany. We've been packing boxes of toys, home good, etc. getting ready to ship overseas. Only a few more weeks after our arrival in Germany we will begin to prepare for Breezy to join us in our "Home". Boy are we excitied about that!
We had a sign in our yard that Welcomed our soldier home. Well my mom took it down today. As it was falling to the ground Clark went running out of the house screaming and running as fast as he could to mom screaming "Thats My daddy don't you take him down". It was too late, I was hot and I wasn't going to put it back up. I tried to explain that we'd put it up again soon when Daddy comes back home.
On a more exciting note, we had our photos made AGAIN by Amanda at Snatches of Time Photography and she did an amazing job. She did a photo shoot of our family down at the Depot in Dothan and at Popular Head park. I'm planning to give you a sneak peak of Clark's photo shoot and our's as soon as I get a chance. I've already picked out my favorites but am having a very difficult time deciding what exactly I want.
I got an invitation today from Patti Rutland Simpson to attend a Re:Union party at her house after the Re:Union show next weekend. I danced with Patti for many years and was a part of Patti Rutland Jazz for just over 2 years. Many of the dances that the Company will be performing in this show are dances that we're performed during my days at Oz Performing Arts Center. I'm looking forward to the show next Saturday night and seeing many of my friends from my "younger" days! I'm thinking I might even go out and by myself a new dress to wear :-). How does black sound?
Well I'm outta here for tonight. It's been a long exhausting day and I'm actually ready for bed!
Good Night World!
I know it was hard to let him go again...but probably easier since it won't be too long before you are together again. So glad you all had such great family time together. Looking forward to seeing the pics!
Oh, this one left a big lump in my throat! I hope you slept okay. Can't wait to see the pictures.
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