Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekend Round Up & Bringing Up Boys (2 for 1)

Friends, its been a busy, productive and FUN weekend. Breezy and I have been getting things done and it feels GOOD. Let me just give you a short summary of our last 4 day weekend in Germany....It should have been spent traveling.
Thursday night after all the Chaos was over we had Pizza for dinner and spent the evening de-stressing. :-)
Friday- Me and the boys ran around taking care of business. Had lunch at Subway and then did a little shopping for some odds and eds at the PX. We had a quick and easy dinner and again spent the evening just hanging out at home.
Saturday- We packed a little and mostly just stayed around the house for the most part. In the evening the boys and I spent some time with my dear German friend Mrs.H while our husbands and her older children went to see Narnia at the theater.
Sunday- EUCOM Chaplain, Ray Bailey came to be apart of our worship service. He spoke on "Being Nice" which is another post in itself. We had a pot luck that was pretty much a joke since the DFAC (Dining Facility)forgot to cook some of our food. In the evening we had several good friends over for Fried Pickles, Chili, Cornbread and Alabama sweet tea. First night of fun since before my surgery.
TODAY- We cleaned out the car and spent the morning in our jammies playing old school Mario! Today is also Mrs. H's birthday so we spent the afternoon celebrating with cake and coffee at her house!

NOTHING exciting but with the craziness that is going to begin in the next 48 hours I needed to relax a little. Breezy even let me sleep in this morning and Saturday night Brudder FINALLY slept through the nights.

On two my 2nd "Thought"
In all the books I've read on Bringing Up Boys, nowhere has it said that my son would be infatuated with pee'ing on things in public. Here's an example;

1. right before my surgery Big Boy RAN out of the Sanctuary through the side doors. I went after him only to find him pee'ing on the side of the church building.
2. 3 weeks ago I got out of the car at church and Big Boy got out in a hurry, took off running across the lawn (I thought he was headed to the door...NO, he was headed to the tree...He had to pee and couldn't go a few feet further to the bathroom right inside the church
3. YESTERDAY we had a pot luck after church. As I was cleaning up Mrs. H hollers across the fellowship hall..."Mrs. B look out the window." I did and so did everyone else, only to find Clark pee'ing on the tree AGAIN.
4. THEN again yesterday we were cleaning and Big Boy was playing outside on the porch. He comes running in the house....MOM I pee'd through the fence.
5. Lastly today we were out cleaning out our car and I look and he's by the building in the backyard pee'ing down the drain...wonder where the water/urine really goes. Picture this...little boy in his flannel Pj's with his pants tucked into his rain boots with his Spiderman jacket on.
Let me say this, he hasn't figured out that he does not have to pull his pants all the way down so every time he's pee'ing in public hes got his pants around his ankels and his cute little white hiney flashed for the world to see.

Another note about pee'ing.
We've been working with Big Boy in the evenings so he doesn't wet the bed in the night. On Friday night about 11:45 p.m. Breezy and I were laying in bed when I heard Big Boy get out of his bed and start towards the bathroom. I was THRILLED. I layed there thinking he'll potty and go right back to bed. The longer I listened the more I realized that he was indeed going potty but his urine was NOT going into the toilet. I jumped up and found Big Boy standing at the bathroom door, facing into the bathroom, going potty right in the floor...YUCK. After I finished laughing I asked him what he was doing and so innocently he said "Momma I'm just going peepee on the potty." Isn't that what we've been begging him to do. I just wish he would have walked about a foot further and actually made it into the toilet.

The joys of being a mother to boy. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Its 10:15 and Breezy and I are watching the re-play of the Golden Globes. He's snoring already so I guess that means it's time for us to get to bed. 5:30 a.m. will come early for Breezy.

Tomorrow is my very last PWOC meeting. It's going to be bittersweet.

1 comment:

Tonja said...

My 3 used to have contests to see who could get their pee to highest on the tree! Boys! It's always gonna be something!