What do you get when you give a 19 month old BLUE Peeps?
A STAINED face :-)
It's too cold for me to wear them
and that is not typical for me. I wear flippers YEAR ROUND.
Soooo...needless to say I am definately NOT in Southeast Alabama on this joyous Easter Sunday. Yesterday we attended an INDOOR Easter Egg Hunt because of inclement weather and this morning I woke up to get ready to attend worship to SNOW on the ground. UGHHHH...I hate the cold; I'd rather be sweating in 90 degree weather. I contemplated not attending the services this morning due to being up majority of the night with a jet lagged baby, and because it was just too dern cold outside. I was also a little disappointed that Clark was getting to wear his new suit to church this morning and it was too cold for me to wear my new Easter Dress. It is 3/4 sleeve but knee length and I didn't really think it would be appropriate for my legs to match the snow on the ground. Wes is also away at Convoy Live Fire Training so I was also a little bummed that we wouldn't be worshipping together as a family, which is one of my most favorite things to do.
I DID get my self out of bed and got me and the monster ready to go. We had an excellent time of Praise, Ch. Drew brought forth a beautiful Sermon, and then we took part in the Lord's Supper. Let me add that Clark for the very first time sat through most of the service like a big boy. We are home now feeling refreshed and reflecting on the fact that I DO serve a Risen Savior. Clark's napping and I'm going to do so myself.
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