Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm Going NUTS

Last Tuesday I broke out in a mysterious rash from the top of my head(literally) to the bottom of my feet. Benadryl hasn't helped much at all except for putting me out for a few hours. I went to see my OBGYN yesterday in hopes that he would tell me it's just my hormones....NOPE. He has no idea what it could be. He's almost sure its an allergy of some kind, but an allergy to WHAT. The problem is, even with the meds he gave me it's getting WORSE. I'm about to scratch myself silly friends. Poor Clark told me earlier I had too many polka dots!

AND on top of that I'm already suffering from issues with my Sciatic Nerve. I also had problems with Clark around 33 weeks to the point of not being able to sit comfortably, bend over or walk. I'm already to the bending point. YUCK.

If it's not one thing its another. This pregnancy can only get better....right? I just keep thinking of our little blessing that will be the end result.

In other news, we are not having a girl. For those of you who crossed your fingers, you can uncross them....a boy it will be. No doubts! He lifted his little legs up over his head for the whole world to see his little petey! Breezy had a big smile on his face when I shared the news with him yesterday.

Breezy is working late tonight so Clark and I are headed up to see him for a little while. Clark is hoping that he can see one of Daddy's big helicopters. One of our favorite Pilots is flying so maybe Clarke will be lucky.

Wishing you all a good holiday with your family!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Right Here Is Where I Like to Be

I'm sitting here in the living room of MY apartment and I am perfectly content. I enjoyed our vacation get away but friend it's going to take me a week to recover. I love being in my jammies, sitting on my couch, watching a movie with my handsome hubby while Breezy Baby is sleeping! I enjoyed getting away with my boys, but whoa momma I'm tuckered out. It might be the last big trip we take before Baby Breezy graces us in May, unless I'm a nice wife and we head to Ireland for Breezy's birthday in February. I'm headed to bed. Just wanted to let you know we're home safe! Hope you all enjoyed spending the holiday's with those special people in your lives!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Because I Can

It's Christmas Eve. We've had a busy day. I fed 4 single soldiers and our family lunch, made Gingerbread Men and Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies, then followed up by feeding the same individuals Nacho's and Burritos for Dinner. I've still got "WORK" to do after my sweet little wee man gets to bed.

It's 8:56 p.m. I'm sitting on my bed and it just hit me that I miss my mamma and daddy something bad. I was FINALLY able to talk with them via Skype today and it was nice to hear that they are excited about celebrating Christmas in the ATL with my Aunts and Uncles. I wish I was there BUT in the same breath I know that my Heavenly Father has a reason for me staying here in Germany for the holidays. Wes and I have been given the opportunity to share with 4 soldiers who were unable to be with their families. I've said it before and I'll say it again; any time the Lord allows us to bless others we are more blessed in return.

I'm going to shower and crawl into my new jammies that my husband bought to follow the tradition my mom and Dad started when I was 2 years old. I've always opened my jammies on Christmas Eve and Wesley knew how important it was for me. Clark and Wes got new jammies too!

Merry CHRISTmas my friends!

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas to You and Yours!

Scattered......But Relaxed

Hi Friends!
Breezy, Clark and I have been in the Alps since Monday and are enjoying some much needed and deserved R & R. Believe it or not, its 11:30 a.m. and I'm sitting here freshly showered and back in my jammies. We rented an apartment with an amazing view in a quaint little town in the middle of nowhere. It's just what we needed and will plan to come back next year with our family of 4 :-) to celebrate Christmas UNLESS we are finally settled in our new home back in the US of A.

Speaking of family of 4, today I am proud to say that today I have made it to 19 weeks. I have been free of bleeding or any other complications for nearly 3 weeks. I had an appointment last week and the Dr. was thrilled to see me. He said he had missed our weekly/daily visits with one another. My blood pressure is still running a little low but with a little nap midday I seem to be shoveling along! We were pretty positive that the baby was a boy but the little boy part seem to either be hidden or we're having a little girl. We'll see at our next appointment in the New Year.

I've actually had time to just sit and read, something I never get to do but thoroughly enjoy. I started this book while I was in the hospital back in November but have not had a moment to sit and read anymore since then. I have been blessed beyond measures from reading the words of Marilynn Blackaby. If you are a "home maker" like I am then you too will be blessed by this reading. I'm not sure if you can get it at L*f*Way but I know its available from several sites on the web. We're looking forward to a couple of single soldiers joining us tomorrow to celebrate the Christmas. They were unable to return home to the families so we've invited them to join us here in the Alps. They will be a lot of fun to have here especially on Christmas Day. We've been telling Clark that we're having a birthday party for Jesus so he insisted we make Him a Chocolate Cake.

I'll be back in a day or two with photos I hope. Vacation Day #3 and I have yet to take any photos. I'll be better I promise!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Behold, Behold, I Stand at the door and Knock, Knock, Knock

Me: And who might be knocking?
Person/Thing at My Door: Oh....It's just me Mr. Flu
Me: We'll you are not welcome in my home
Mr. Flu: Well, I'm comin' in anyways. Like it or not!

despite not wanting to answer, Mr. Flu has just barged right in and I have had the flu not once but twice in less than 2 weeks. The first round hit Turkey Day evening and lasted for 4 days. This time it hit me on Saturday night and hit FULL FORCE within about 12 hours. I went to the clinic yesterday because I just couldn't stand the sore throat anymore and on top of the flu I also have strep. I hate those yucky throat swabs and giving a nice sample of my blood, but thankfully b/c I was a willing participant I was given some Penicillin that has made me feel somewhat better today.

I have told Wes over and over again in the last 2 weeks that the last 7 weeks of my life have been pure he**. Between 2 hospital stays, 5 weeks of bed rest, the flu twice, and just being outright homesick, I'm ready for a break. My friends keep reminding me that I MUST rest and find my perseverance and strength in my Lord. I;m doing my very best...Promise!

Friends, its in times like this when I become so weary that I totally begin to question my own faith. I know that the nasty/ugly things I am feeling are not those of those of the ONE who Cherish me, but of the one who despises the great things that are also happening in the midst of what seems like a disaster to me. I know that God brought my family to Germany for a reason 3 1/2 years ago. I know that we extended to stay here for another year for a reason. I know that I was blessed with the REC Position at our chapel for a reason within 1 week of returning. I know that this sweet little boy growing inside of my belly and the pregnancy complications are no surprise to my Lord. More importantly, I know that this worn out, ready to call it quits feeling is NOT ok. I can feel that I am being refreshed slowly but surely and finding that as always my Lord wants ALL of me even the minute pieces that I don't think are important enough to lay at his feet.

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
leaning on the everlasting arms;
what a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
leaning on the everlasting arms.

Leaning, leaning,
safe and secure from all alarms;
leaning, leaning,
leaning on the everlasting arms.

O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,
leaning on the everlasting arms;
O how bright the path grows from day to day,
leaning on the everlasting arms.

What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
leaning on the everlasting arms?
I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
leaning on the everlasting arms.

My Boys!
Just a little sneak peek at our Christmas Photos :-)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart

My dear friends;

I know it seems like every time I come here to blog I have been MIA for some reason. For that I apologize...again. In the last week I have had a lot to process and a lot of decisions to make and that includes making a lot more time for those people that are important in my life. The REC/Program's ministry has kept me so busy that in many ways I have been negligent of many of the more important things. I have always said if and when I ever begin to put Ministry/my work above my "family" someone PLEASE be bold enough to tell me. We all need a reality check from time to time from the inside out.

Once again. I was in the hospital for 4 more days from Friday-Monday with MORE pregnancy complications. I believe my body is finally on the mends now and we are on the way to being able to carry this baby until full term. On November 8th during routine ultrasound the OBGYN discovered a large hematoma (about 12 or 13 cm by about 5 or 6 cm) that had attached itself to the bottom of my uterus. I was assured that it would not harm the baby but that it could become a free bleeder of old blood....we'll it did. I started bleeding Monday the 16th and bleed for exactly 7 days. The hospital/bed rest did help the mass to shrink greatly in size but when we measured yesterday it was still about 5 cm by 2 cm. I understand that this shrinking process could happen quickly or it may bleed more, or it may just remain until the baby is born.

On another note, when I was first admitted on the 28th of October for bleeding we never really got any clear answers. We knew that there were 2 cyst/sac like obstructions that were attached to my placenta, and one of them ruptured and the 2nd one reabsorbed itself...THANK GOODNESS. After seeing a specialist yesterday and spending close to 2 hours with him, he is more than positive that the fluid filled sacs were more than likely baby's B and C. When he told me that I almost fell off the ultrasound table. I can't even begin to imagine what I would do with TRIPLETS.

We were very impressed with Dr. Reu and he has said that since I am considered to be very high risk at this time (between the bleeding's and my blood pressure)he would consider be seeing him through the remaining 5 1/2 months. Wes and I are weighing our options and will make a decision in the next few days.

BUT....Today I am thankful for a few things and I wanted to share that with you :
* Breezy, Clark and I are spending this Thanksgiving together in OUR home not in different countries.
* Breezy made it home from playing war safely and on time. God is our Strong Tower.
* Clark has been close to sickness free for almost one year
* I am almost back to healthy and praising God for being my Great Physician.
* I am carrying a healthy baby BOY that we will call John Carsen or Carsen Lee.
* Our families that are back in the South :-) who will be eating Cajun Fried Turkey without me today.
* For serving in a ministry that is growing in amazing new directions
* Lastly, for my friends who have become my strength since I've not had very much of my own.

Happy Turkey Day Yall! Enjoy your families and friends as you celebrate the Great Things that God is doing and will continue to do in your lives!

Lots of Love from Germany!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Welcome Home Ball Photos

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Let Me Introduce You To.......

9 weeks photo.....12 weeks on Monday
The newest addition to our family!

I've known for 11 weeks that we are expecting but was waiting until the beginning of the 2nd trimester to share our news. We'll thanks to a good scare this week our news is out, because there is NO WAY to deny God's protection in our life in such a time as this.

I had a functional cyst on my placenta, the size of a banana, to rupture on Wednesday afternoon while I was napping with my Wee Man. I had no idea that I even had this creatures until it ruptured causing me to think I was loosing this little life that is STILL growing inside of me. I was awakened b/c I actually thought I had pee'd my pants (You can laugh because I surely did). I was so embarrassed and thankful that my husband was at work, but once I discovered I was bleeding I thought otherwise. I couldn't get my husband home from work fast enough. Thank God for 2 great friends and my neighbor who came to my side within minutes.

I was able to been seen in the Doctors office on Wednesday evening about 30 minutes after I discovered the mess and within 1 hour was admitted to the hospital in bed where I'd spend the next 2 days My doctor is straight forward and takes good care of his patients, if he thinks something is's absolutely necessary.

There is a 2nd cyst that was the size of an Orange but thanks to some GOOD medicine and complete bed rest it is now about the size of a half-dollar. It is slowly shrinking. We hope that by Monday it will be completely dissolved and will not rupture in the mean time.

I am thankful that our baby is still growing and is healthy inside of me. I told my friends that came to sit by my hospital bed that God was protecting me from the inside out. I am so grateful that when my life could have become a mess of emotions God stopped me straight in my tracks (on the toilet) and said very clearly.."Hey You, Just wait....It's all under control. Throw it ALL off and depend on me." Friends when I say I heard him clearly, it was as if he was sitting there right beside me on the next toilet. I just said Alright....I am yours, this baby is yours, my family is yours....we will wait. So, here I am. Finally home but on bed rest until further notice. WAITING desperately for the Father!

I was close to being hospitalized last week also. This baby seems to be eating enough for itself and then eating all I need. HOGG!!!! I was going to have to go in for nutrient infusions but thankfully the supplements I am taking are doing the trick. Besides sleeping all the time and having to eat for what seems like 4 we're making progress.

Wes and I are desperate to know what God's intentions for our life at this point are. We've both come to realize that God is wanting more of US and less of everything else. We had to make the decision while I was in the hospital that I would put everything off, including school next semester until after the baby is born. I'll still work my few hours a week from home and 2 days a week at the chapel but I will be more concerned with my health and my family first and foremost.

I'd like to ask you to please continue to pray for Wes, Clark and I as we cope with the changes that are taking place. Bed Rest isn't easy for me. I'm not a good sitter. I can sit still long enough to read a People magazine and thats about all I am good for. I'm doing pretty good so far though but if this last until 14 weeks like it very possibly could I will be one miserable sole.

We've been blessed and the blessing are still flowing!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

One Whopped Momma!

My life is like a race car these seems to be going round and round, round and round.

I have finally finished up my mid-terms and the 2nd part of the semester is beginning. I will be so glad when 2-8 of November gets here when I will complete my finals and have a short little break. These classes are KILLING me. I'm so thankful I didn't decide to take Biology AND Math at the same time. I'm an American living in Germany, taking a German class, as an elective, and desperately trying to pass with a B.

Clark was sick with a pretty yucky case of bronchitis the entire week after his birthday. This crud is going around here as I'm sure it is back in the USA as well. His Kindergarten is infested with the crud and I'm so worried we'll get it again sooner than later. The Dr. here has started him on Abuterol as a precaution for Seasonal Asthma because of some of the symptoms he was having during his sickness. The inhaler actually seemed to help him tremendously, especially in the evenings.

Wesley started back to work Full Time on Monday and let me tell you I enjoy having him home, but I enjoy being able to keep my house clean as well. I've been able to keep it picked up for the last 3 days with no difficulties. Clark again is a little confused because Wes is back to working longer hours. I think he's afraid that Daddy won't come home.

The Batallion Homecoming Ball is next Friday and I'm very excited about going. I can't wait for you guys to see the differences in the pictures from 2 years ago. Of course, you remember I am 37 pounds lighter than the ball in September of 2007. My German friend Jeanette's sisters Ute and Madeline will be coming from their home town about 1 hour away to keep Clark for the night. He loves them both and it gives him a chance to work on his German and them a chance to work on their English. Ute would really like to go to America after she completes High School this year as a Nanny(Opair?). Maybe I will send MckMamma an e-mail and let her know that Ute is available!!!

The weather has quickly changed for us here. Today it is around 40 and I'm freezing. I'm a year round flip flop wearer, but today I actually decided that it might just be too cold for this tradition. I'm not sure my feet have re-adjusted to Germany yet, after being in Alabama last winter/summer. The German's can tell who the CRAZY American's are in the winter....mainly because of our shoes. This winter I won't get that title I don't think. I even had to order more winter clothes and hopefully they will arrive soon. Of course, I had to get Clark some things as well :-).

There are a few changes that are taking place in our family, but you'll have to hold out for a little while longer before I reveal these changes. I promise you guys will be one of the first ones to know!! I'm going to try (no promises) not to stay away for so long again. I've got to learn that I NEED to make time for you fellow readers...Especially Mrs. T

So for now...It's nap time :-) Need to take a rest so I can get on a research paper and 1000 word essay this afternoon.


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Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Our little fella turned 3 yesterday.
It's so hard to believe.
Time has flown by and it has surely been time that we have throughly enjoyed!
We invited around 12 families over for the party and ended up with a total of 47 people all together. It was very good fellowship and a blessing to spend the day with many of our friends who have been on leave since the deployment ended. Clark received many great gifts. I specifically asked (anyone that asked specifically what to get him) for "learning" type gifts. I was very thankful that he only received a handful of toys and mostly puzzles, books, computer games, German matching game and more of his Thomas train set.
Here are a few photos from his big PIRATE party! We had a big time. We are so thankful that our Papi was home from Iraq in time to celebrate with us for the first time ever in 3 years :-).

*sorry about the crooked photos. Im not sure how to turn them.

Monday, September 14, 2009

We're Still Kickin'

I'm not worry I have not fallen off the face of the Earth. My life has been beyond nutty for the last 3 weeks. School has started and I am in knee deep already. My Sociology and Biology classes are fine but I got the wise idea of taking a German class as well and it's kicking my butt.

Clark has started attending the German Preschool 5 days a week from 8-12 and he just loves it. I was o.k. with sending him a few days a week but with working at the Chapel now and 13 credit hours of classes plus a house to keep up I am alright with him going everyday.

We've been dog sitting this week and these 2 little girlies have been like have 3 toddlers in our home (Clark plus Gracie and Heidi). Whoa!!! Their mommy and daddy went away to Spain for a week, but they are coming to get them this afternoon. They called and said they missed their girls!

Breezy is still only working half days which has been great. We've been getting a lot of things done here around our house which have been put on hold for sometime now. We'll be here until 2011 so we're pretty excited to make this house our "home" since we won't be leaving for a while.

We are missing Auburn and Florida football desperately. As soon as they both play big teams it MIGHT be on the t.v. here for us to see. Breezy and I are both hoping so.

Our Education Ministry at the Chapel just got kicked off last week. We had 42 ladies at Protestant Women of the Chapel, 12 Children in Kid's Worship and a total of 33 in Sunday School. I know and am trusting God to do amazing things in our Chapel this year. We have a new "Pastor" who has a heart to see our congregation and ministries grow and I am so pleased to be working along side him. I love being used by God as a tool to see his Plan fulfilled for the Kingdom.

I should run. Clark is sleeping and we're putting together his new bigboy bed from our German friends :-) maybe you'll get some photos!

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

OIF 3 Homecoming Photos

At the Hangar Patiently awaiting Breezy's arrival

Clark was very impatient, but man oh man did he look cute!

My buddy Amber (her husband came in Main Body 1)

Future A. Co Playboy....Right Daddy?

Getting ready for the doors to open and trying to hold Clark still

The doors are opening...FINALLY

I think Clarke had spotted his Daddy...RIGHT ON THE FRONT ROW!

American Solider....I'm An American Soldier (Toby Keith song that played as doors opened)
Most Amazing site i had seen in 13 months

There's my Breezy Baby!

He found us :-)

Our first moment together as a family
Clark first told his Daddy..."I'm A Soldier Just Like You"

He was too excited for a family photo but we tried anyways.

2nd attempt and a LITTLE bit better

Enough of the uniform...I'm ready to play
(It was so hot in the hangar and getting him to keep his clothes on for 2 hours was a chore)

Clark asking his Daddy..."You Come'd out of the Flag Daddy?

This is Breezy's roomate Cards and his sweet girlfriend Anne at the ceremony. Young Love!!!!

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Donate to Procreate

Breezy and I are friends with a couple that are stationed here with us in Germany, Jeremy and Alana Jonas. Jeremy and Alana have been trying for several years to conceive and up to this point have had no luck. Jeremy and Alana both desire greatly to be parents, AND would make amazing parents. They are 2 of the greatest friends we've made here in Germany (and are very sad that they are leaving us in October).

*Alana welcoming Jeremy home after 13 Months of Deployment*

The couple has been to speak with a specialist about their options and their first option would be In-Vitro Fertilization. The cost of having IF (In-Vitro Fertilization) is not really likely when you are living on an army salary. For some reason it seems that the IF process is more expensive here in Germany.

I would like to ask you all to do 2 things:
(What I am going to share with you is NOT a scam. It is all true and a cause that Breezy and I are both in full support of. )

1. Pray for Jeremy and Alana as they continue their journey to become parents whether through IF or adoption. They do desire to TRY to have their very own children first, but adoption is not completely out of the question. Alana comes from a family with 3 adopted siblings whom she ADORES!

2. Consider giving to the Donate to Procreate fund. All monies will be used for the purpose of IF for Jeremy and Alana AND all remaining funds will be used to contribute to the establishment of Donate to Procreate (Non-Profit Organization).

You can find out more about Alana and Jeremy at
Donate to Procreate

Here is a video (that can also be seen on the website)
donate to procreate - L@n@s's MySpace Blog |

If you are interested in giving please visit:

Breezy and I will be donating ourselves to the fund because we know how much Clark has changed our lives and how much we love being his parents. We are in the praying stages about the amount of money that the Lord would have us give. We trust that you would prayerfully consider doing the same thing as well.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Life As A Military Wife: Our Life Begins Again...Together

I'm sorry i've been away for sometime but our family has been "reintegrating" army style. Breezy arrived home safe last Friday in the early afternoon and since then we have been non-stop. He has had to work 7 days straight and we are thankful that as of today he is off for the next 4. I have sent him away this morning to play some golf with his friends. Shh...I just needed him out of the house so I could get some things done (laundry, vacuum, dust, mop).

There as been a lot of things going on that has taken some getting used to again.
1. Clark absolutely adores his Daddy and wants to be wherever he is, but Daddy is so used to being alone so often that it has become a little bit overwhelming at times. We're doing our best to give Wes his little bit of "alone" time so that this doesn't begin to take an emotional toll on him.

2.I've gone from sleeping alone, in the middle of the bed, till 9 or 10 a.m. (YES Clark sleeps that late too) TO having my bed partner back, sleeping on my side of the bed and getting up most mornings by 6:30. Talk about a change in pace for ME. I've needed a nap everyday!

3. Laundry for Clark and I has been so simple over the last 13 months...2 Loads and we're done. Daddy came home and today I will be doing around 9 loads of laundry. We've got our regular laundry PLUS all of the Uniforms, PT's, etc. that he brought back that smell like inscents. YUCKY! Laundry is a stress reliever for me because I can go down to the basement for a little alone time, but man oh man more than 3 loads and it becomes a chore.

4. Cooking for a family of 3 instead of myself and Clark. I was eating so good before Wes came home, now we're eating lots of carbs. That will change though as soon as this Post Deployment Hunger runs away though :-). Dinner time, it's just one of those things I love most about being a family and that is sitting down together at the end of the day to enjoy a hot meal together to unwind and spend just a little bit of time together before bed. Thankful for a table to gather around!

Well for now thats about it. I have more laundry calling my name from the basement and a 3 year old who is reorganizing the newly organized DVD shelf. His Daddy might not be happy if he comes home and they aren't in their designated slot.

Love to you all from our HOME!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Life As A Military Wife: Welcome Home Part 1

Here is a video from the Homecoming Cermony for our first group of soldiers.

Breezy SHOULD be here anytime, but only time will tell (that means he is NOT in this video, but Miss April is). You can see Clark and I standing in the chairs trying to see. We are ready though for him at ANYTIME! I've been on a roll today, baked a key like cheese cake, chocolate cake and 2 loave fresh zuccini bread, did laundry, worked VBS from 9-12, gave Clark a haircut and cleaned up all the last minute stuff.

I've got a lot of pictures to post in a series of post over the next few days. Once Breezy is home I can catch up on my picture uploads and not leave you guys hanging anymore :-)

P.S. I just need to say one thing....
I hate no it alls and people who try to run my life just from reading my blog.

Until Next Time...Be Blessed
Mrs. B

Saturday, August 08, 2009

And The Count Down Has Begun.....

Hey Yall!

Miss. April our 2nd favorite solider, one of my dearest friends and Clark's amazing babysitter is only HOURS now from arriving home with the first group of soliders from this long, drawn out deployment. She is in port now waiting for her flight back here. We've got our Welcome Home Miss April sign in the car, our clothes ironed, the house cleaned and stocked with tons of food...We're ready to go pick her up. Miss April is a single solider, but we've GLADLY welcomed her into our home as part of our family.

(This is Miss April during her R&R back in Germany with Clark's favorite little friend Noah)

Breezy still has to make it to port and will come home to us later this week, but we're not sure when as of yet. We are beyond excitied for his homecoming. Can you hear the excitment? Clark and I have been busy making posters and decorating our stairwell, cleaning, working in our little yard and getting Daddy a Basket made with all of his favorite things. We've only been able to speak with Breezy every few days because he's so busy getting things ready to hand over to the Batallion that will replace our Batallion. He's still working long hours and getting very little sleep so being home in a matter of days will be soo good for him AND for Clark and I.
Even more exciting news, I am pleased to announce that I was called to serve as the Religious Education Coordinator for our chapel here in Germany. It is only a one year position then I will have to go through the entire process again. I'm not sure we'll be here any longer than a year so it works out perfectly. I am so excitied about the opputunity to serve our chapel family. I will ALSO be doing a lot of work with the Children's Ministry as well and that gets me sooo excitied. I'm ready to see what plans the Lord has in store for me and where he is going to move this ministry too.
It's time to get the laundry started. One LARG cup of joe and some Thomas the Train and I'm ready to start my day....sorta.
Homecoming photos to come SOONER than SOON...I hope :-)


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hi You All!

Just wanted to let you know that Clark and I are getting ready for a big Welcome Home Celebration at our House. The word is that we should have our soldier back by the end of the 2nd week of August. I spoke with Wesley today and last night FINALLY after not hearing from him in 3 days. He has moved into transition housing and the National Guard Unit from NC is there to replace them. All of the soldiers are hot and not getting much rest because of the heat. They are all very worn out and ready for this to be over with, as well as the spouses. It's work, work and more work until they finally get on the plane to fly.

Clark and I will go to the Hangar next week to Welcome his favorite babysitter Mrs. April home. She's returning with the first group of soldiers and we are looking forward to being there as her "Family" when she is released. We've made posters for Mrs. April and Daddy and we have a countdown calendar outside of our door for the both of them. It's been busy here, we've prepared single soldier rooms, we're hanging Red White and Blue ribbons this weekend and our big Welcome Home Sign, we're planning the Re-Deployment Ball for October and getting things ready here at home as well. This weekend we'll be decorating the stairwell with our Neighbor Mrs. Sara to welcome home our Daddy and Sara's husband Curtis (or Curty as Clark calls him).

I am proud to report that I have a potty trained kid (poop and all). He has done outstanding the last 2 weeks. It was like we got here and something clicked. We've had only 2 accidents in 2 weeks and those were during nap time and while playing with his buddies. He enjoys flushing the toilet the most...Pushing the Clark button but NOT daddy's button (Jonathan and Anna know what I'm talking about). I'm so proud of him and how well he has adjusted to being back here in Germany. It's made this transition so much easier. He is ready to go to his Schule (school). We walk by there everyday and he ask if he can go see his teacher. We've got our backpack, german slippers, we're potty trained and so we're ready to go! AND..Clark is going to be playing Soccer starting August 31. He will be on the 3-5 year old team. Wes is very excitied about teaching Clark a new sport.

On another note. I was offered a job my first Sunday back at church. I have done most of the paper work and have met with the Chaplain and word is that the contract is MINE.I meet all the requirements and more. I will be the Religious Education Coordinator for our post Protestant and Catholic. I will work only 1 day during the week (possibly from home unless they need me at the chapel), one Day a month for meetings, and on Sundays. I'm excited but will know for sure hopefully by the end of this week. This paper work process has been excruciating.

Lastly...I'm going to have completed my AA by May. I am taking 5 classes this semester and will finish with an AA and immediately transfer back to BCF to complete my degree in May. It's all in the works at BCF all ready! EOCC will not work with me on the Early Childhood Program and I will finish my degree quicker by returning to BCF to complete the Christian Education Program. LONG STORY SHORT.

I'm working on some paper work for the new job now so I should get back to that. I hope to hear from some of you soon!



Monday, July 27, 2009

In Our Desperation We Cry Out


I am not sure how many of you have noticed Precious Stellan in my side bar OR read/have read McMamma's Blog but Sweet Stellan is not doing well AT ALL. Read McMamma's Blog "My Charming Kids" to get the whole scoop. Here is what I can tell you, Sweet Man's heart is failing as well as his kidney's, his body temps are low and he is vommiting in excess. He has what is known as SVT and because of his age he is unable to recieve any more real aggressive treatments, as he has had in the past. He is the brother to 3 older sibilings, and son to one of the best mom's I have ever "met". Please friends, flood the gates of Heaven with me on behalf of this little fella. The Father has a plan for him as we all know, but pray that his mom Jennifer and his Father "Prince Charming" would see this plan revealed right before them.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

I WANT a New Look

for the blog that is...i'm open for suggestions..maybe even a name change too.
Please comment with your suggestions.

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VERY Urgent Prayers.....Please

I'm not able to go into much detail, one for the safety of my beloved Breezy and our Battalion and secondly due to the nature of the incident Breezy is not at liberty to share anything that he knows (which is more than I ever want to know AND I do NOT know). After reading this article US Military In Iraq Say 3 Soliders Killed please begin to pray specifically for the soldiers of our Battalion 3-159th ARB, and for the families and other Battalions that were DIRECTLY involved.

Thanks be to our Jesus for sparing the soliders of 3-159th ARB from any danger. I can report that all of our soliders are safe and ALL counted for and other than offering up assistance none of our soldiers were directly affected.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

The Ways of Life for Some......

Since i've been back in Germany I have once again become familiar with the question "Have You Heard........?". When I was back in Alabama I did get asked that question several times by my friends that remained here in Germany for the deployment and most of the time my answer was NO. Now, I'm hearing the question face to face and my answer, sadly enough is YES.

I would love to tell you some of the things that have been brought to my attention, but I will not allude to someone else's disgrace and filth. There are spouses here on our post that are living very distasterful lives and it disgust me, makes me want to puke. I wouldn't ever want my husband to hear that my behavior has been such as theirs. I wouldn't want him to come home to me in that same condition. I'd hate to know how their spouses feel about their behavior.

Friends let me say one thing very clearly......
I hate rumors. I hate being a part of rumors. I hate gossip. I hate being a part of gossip. I want to say ...... IF you think you need to include me in your gossip....check your facts first, ASK. I'm pretty open to telling the truth, sometimes a little harshly at that. Scripture tells us that the Words of our Mouths and the Meditations of our hearts should ALWAYS in everything be pleasing to Him. That is my desire. I will have NO PART in the rumors or the gossip. My husband will not be a part of the rumors or the gossip. My family will be free from the "disease" that is killing so many families so quickly.

Sorry for the rants, but I needed to get this off my chest.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Hi Friends!
Clark and I made the trek back to Germany. My big man was a champ on the plane and I couldn't even begin to thank him for that. We did sleep some, but not very much. We arrived here in Germany around 10 and guess what i did first.....I WENT OUTLET SHOPPING! My friend Tracy picked me up and we decided that it was best for me to stay busy and to keep big man busy so that we would sleep at night. And that we did...15 1/2 hours.

We've been busy non-stop since we got here. I've cleaned a lot, but I'm going to be doing a lot more in the next few weeks before Wesley gets home. Clark has played his little heart out in his new big boy bedroom and with our German friends whom live down the street.

We took a visit to Clark's new Preschool/German Kindergarten today and it is so nice. He got to visit with the class he will be in and his teachers seem so nice. He will start in September and go from 8-Noon everyday. I'm just as excited about him going as he is. Clark will be in the same class as his buddy Benjamin.

Well friends...all is well here. I am safe. I am very very tired so I am outta here! Please be in prayer for my bloggy friend Mrs. T over at Gatherings. Her precious momma, went to be with Jesus over the weekend and it was very unexpected.

I'll post some photos soon of our "New/Old" Home and of Wee Man with his German Watermelon.

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things...

1. Tattoo's
(they must have meaning though)

This is Wesley's new Tattoo...he got this the week before he left. Happy Father's Day Breezy
This is my newest addition. YES...I do already have a tattoo. I have 3 stars on my shoulder blade b/c "I Wanna Shine Like the Stars in The Heavens". This Peace Dove (on my right foot) is a reminder to me that there is Peace in the Storm. Lord Knows I need that reminder every day!
2. Dying My Hair
(but only when my roots are so bad I can't stand it)
I went from a head full of blonde and more blonde highlights to Dark Brown and Black

3. Clark Dancing in His Undies and Pretend Tap Shoes

4. Packing to go to Germany after being in the USA for 1 year

5. Blogging while listening to some Rob Thomas on my Hot Pink Ipod

oh but there is so much more, but there's no time for now.
I'll be back in a few with those promised photos!

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